Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Don't go for a run in FSJ if it's winter and overcast.

It's a bad idea, trust me.

'Why?' You ask. 'You call yourself a Vancouverite and you're afraid of a little precipitation?'

Allow me to explain. It was about 5 degrees when I got home for work, so I figured perfect, time for a run! I have a lovely baggy sweatshirt which I borrowed/accidentally stole from my last host family in Dawson (I think she meant me to keep it, but I meant to check). I have my iPod. I have reasonably flat roads (this is big, for anyone who has EVER tried running in Coquitlam. Oh em gee.) RUNNING TIMES.

It started out well, super windy but I don't mind that at all. Was happily running around exploring the place for about 35 minutes, when I reached PriceSmart. I thought to myself, 'how convenient! I will pick up some post-running snacks, i.e. peaches and cookies.' So I went in and merrily grabbed a couple bags of stuff, was delighted to find it was cheaper than expected, and skipped out the door.

This is where the problem begins.

It is much, much colder than when I went in, or so it seems. I'm not running anymore, and I've cooled down a lot. There is also very, VERY strong wind. Okay, it's unfortunate that I'm only guessing my way home since I've only been in Fort St John for like 24 hours, but I think, I can do this. No biggie.

So, I'm about halfway when my face starts to sting. It's like little teeny pins are pricking me in the face. This is where that dratted precipitation comes in. FROZEN precipitation. Plus wind. Ergo, I have freezing rain essentially jabbing my face at rather high speeds, and it does NOT feel nice. This is around the time when I start realizing I'm a bit farther from the house than I thought. Okay, just keep moving. I ended up either tucking my chin RIGHT in (my throat felt like an ice cube, of course my sweatshirt is very loose around the neck and my hair is back, no protection at all. May regret that tomorrow!) or turning my face away from the wind because I keep quietly shrieking curse words in the general direction of everyone and everything every time I feel a new handful of pinpricks. May have to invest in actual gym time while here, it's supposed to snow tomorrow too. Eep!

So Fort St John is about twice the population of Dawson Creek, apparently, although it's not that much bigger in size. The hospital is nice and new, and an absolute labyrinth of hallways. There is no WAY I'l be able to sort out where the heck I'm going before I leave. Looks like here will be LTC 2.5 days per week, DEC 1 day, and community health (YAY!) 1 day per week. Bit different from Dawson, which was inpatients on Monday, outpatients on Tuesday, DEC Wed/Thurs, and long term care (LTC) on Friday. Bit more LTC, which I'm less excited about as it can be a bit slow, but will actually be able to address a few things we couldn't really do in DC. When you're that busy and your week is that varied, it's really difficult to do any kind of follow up. Today we started by reviewing 3 LTC patients, and I also did the assessment (first) half of a one-on-one diabetes ed session. My preceptor said she thought I did pretty well (kudos to my DC preceptor, if she's reading this! It's all you!) As always, the dodgy questions are weight related; she suggested I dance around it a bit more (whereas I'm quite direct, usually.)

My goal for FSJ is to get better at the 2nd part - actually coming up with recommendations. Usually I do come up with at least most of the things my preceptor does, but I'm still really hesitant to give a client suggestions in case I'm wrong, so I let the RD take over. Looks like I just need to get over that, I don't think I've really ever come up with anything my preceptor wouldn't agree with, and I'll only really start to see which things I'm missing when I start making recommendations and the RD can correct/adjust them. Dietitian SUIT UP.

No pictures today, maybe this weekend. I also found the gloves my last host family lent me in my purse - may have to send a care package at this rate. They would be a huge help in the picture-taking if it does snow, though...

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