I've been saying ever since I found out I was going to PG that I was going to write a blog about it so future NH interns would maybe be a little less freaked out about the idea. I'm a bit slow, but I guess the best place to start is how/why I ended up here.
Well, dear future interns, I wanted Northern Health.
*cue gasps*
'WHY?' you ask. 'Why on earth would you sign yourself up for voluntary banishment?'
It was for a mix of reasons. Before I ever got into dietetics, I figured the best way to avoid getting the least desired internship was to find a way to desire it. I started thinking a bit about how neat it might be (not to mention useful) to have to learn whole new skill sets with hand-written charting and kardex meal tickets and that sort of thing. Then, it turned out one of the diet techs I worked with was from Prince George, and she painted a pretty awesome picture. She loved working at UHNBC (and did for 10 years), and had nothing but good to say about the dietitians, the hospital, and PG itself.
It was a really good sell. Like, really good.
Then, I heard the presentation done by the coordinators when all the sites were essentially wooing us. I was super impressed, and was a little confused when EVERYone didn't instantly jump on the PG bandwagon. One of the interns at the time told a story about being the only person on a 8 hour bus ride to the middle of nowhere, and I wanted that. Quelle aventure! After the presentation, I went home to my boyfriend and started to cry, because I had started to realize how very badly I wanted to go, yet I knew it would be screwing him over since he'd just moved to be with me. And really, what kind of girlfriend would be like 'oh hey! Now move back.'
Ergo, I didn't put NH as my first choice. It was 4th, after a few lower mainland possibilities I thought I might like. When I found out I got NH, I was at work at ERH, and totally unaware that everyone else had known our placements were being posted hours before. I burst into surprised tears (wow, lots of waterworks about this whole thing), and then got really, REALLY happy. What made it amazingly more awesome, was that as soon as I texted my boy that I got PG, he messaged back 'Guess we're moving to PG'. He's basically the best boyfriend in the history of the world, I won't say more about him or you'll get terribly jealous. He's sort of like the Old Spice guy in that way.
Next post: How the eff you get an apartment in PG without ever going there first.
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