Sunday, 30 September 2012

Where are all the freaking MOOSE?

Ok, northern BC. I have a bone to pick with you. I have gone:

  • from Coquitlam to Prince George
  • from Prince George to Barkerville AND BACK
  • from Prince George to Dawson Creek and back to PG and BACK to DC by different routes

I've seen two black bears and several deer but NOT ONE MOOSE. This is extremely upsetting. That is 2361 km of driving on buses and in trucks at various times of day. Why, moose? Why you gotta hide like that? I'm terribly worried that the first moose I'll see will be a dead one. I've been warned this is a possibility.

This is the ONLY moose I have seen so far.
This is his chum, the bison. There's a little museum here with a
 big thing for taxidermy

I ended up going home really quickly to see my wife this weekend (quickly as in only saw him quickly; it's a 6 hr bus ride each way, and I got there at 4 pm and left at 9:45 am the next morning, but it was much needed!) For some silly reason, they insisted on stopping in Mackenzie for a half hour lunch break. Subway must be doing really well out of this deal, because it is the only restaurant close to the Greyhound station (it might be the only restaurant in Mackenzie, as far as I can tell. I exaggerate, but not by much.) Wish I'd taken a picture so you could see how incongruous it looked! Anyway, here's Mackenzie:

As you can see, it's erm....well....not to mention....exactly. That pretty much sums it up.

And in case you don't understand entirely yet, below is Mackenzie's claim to fame: THE BIGGEST TREE CRUSHER IN THE WORLD!

Epic, I know. Do try to contain yourself. 

Below is just how all the hills look now that it's winter. Not the best photo, but you can see how they're all spotty.

So now I'm just going to squish in a bunch of photos of the area around Dawson Creek that I think are neat and that don't actually have much of a story behind them.

I just thought it was cool how we were driving above the
 treetops at least 50% of the time

There's a lot of old buildings mixed with new. These guys
were clearly using 100 year old barns in addition to their nice
new ones.

Your average DC sidewalk. This one is actually
reasonably flat.

Oh, northern accomodations.

The Dawson Creek Mall!

This Chinese food place is in EVERY small northern town.
Am too afraid to try to it find out what the appeal is.

Just a street in DC.

I really like this picture for no particular reason.
It was taken at 6:30 PM late September, and I was impressed
at how high the sun still was.

The view of Dawson from my preceptor's house.

A more viewful view from my preceptor's house.

Just pretty.

On the way up to the (very teeny) 'ski hill' *snicker*.

This is a really good picture of Dawson Creek coming from
Bear Mountain .I like how it's this little town surrounded by
 tons of farms.

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